Churches in Boldon
  St. Nicholas Church, West Boldon | St. Nicholas Boldon Colliery | Boldon Methodist  | United Reform Church 
St. George's Church Ebenezer Church

 The Boldon Parishes
The Venerable Sturt Bain, Priest in Charge Tel:536 2300
The Revd Jan Skelley Tel: 536 5037
The Revd David Duke Tel 431200
Weekly Worship in Boldon
St. Nicholas Church Hedworth

10.15 am
6.00 pm
4.00 pm

2nd Sunday
4th Sunday

Thursday From 9 am Coffee Morning 
 Thursday 10.00 am Holy Commuion
Ven. Stuart Bain Tel: 536 2300
Revd. David Duke Tel: 431200
Revd. Judith Howes
St. Nicholas Church Boldon
 Sunday 8.00 am Eucharist (BCP) 
  11.00 am  Sung Eucharist (CW)
  6.00 pm Eucharist 1st. Sun.
St George's Church, East Boldon
 Sunday 9.30 am Eucharist
 Tuesday 9.30 am Euchaarist

St Simon's Church, Simonside
 Sunday 9.00 am  Eucharist
 Wednesday  9.00 am Eucharist
Revd Judith Howes

Boldon Churches Locality News


Lent and Holy Week 2011

St. Nicholas Boldon
Ash Wednesday 9th March 7.30 pm.
Sung Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes

Wednesdays 7.30 pm. during lent.
A service of Compline and blessing of the light with an address.

Sundays during Lent at 6 pm.
Evensong and Stations of the Cross

Mothering Sunday 3rd April 4 pm.
An interactive service for all ages

Easter Eve 7 pm.
Blessing of the new light and Easter Ceremonies

Easter Day
8 am. Holy Communion
11 am.  Festival Eucharist

St. George's, East Boldon

Ash Wednesday 9th March 9.30 am.
Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes

Wednesdays at 1.45 pm. during Lent
Matthew Study Group

Maundy Thursday 7 pm
Eucharist and Watch

Good Friday 3 pm.
The Liturgy of the Passion

Easter Day 9.30 am.
Festal Eucharist

St. Nicholas, Hedworth

Ash Wednesday 9th March 7.15 pm..
Sung Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes

Mondays 7.15  pm. during Lent
Matthew Study Group

Maundy Thursday 7.15 pm
Eucharist and Watch until midnight

Good Friday
10.30 til noon Children's Workshop.
2 pm. The Liturgy of the Passion

Easter Eve 8.30 pm.
Blessing of the new fire, vigil and first Mass of Easter.

Easter Day 10.15 am.
Festal Eucharist Hedqorth @4

St Nicholas, West Boldon
St George's East Boldon

Tuesdays Coffee Morning 10 am
St Nicholas, Hedworth

If your church is not yet included and you would like it to be, send us the details and if possible, any pictures you would like to have published.

To send us your pictures and details of its history and personalities please click here


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