Downhill Farmhouse

Downhill Farmhouse 1025248 House and hind's cottage, now one dwelling. Rendered, with Welsh slate roof. 2 storeys; 4 bays. House at east: central door in architrave, 3 sash windows. Cottage at west, of one bay, has sash windows, the ground floor one wider. Roof has flat stone coping, end brick chimneys and chimney between house and cottage.

BARN AND GIN-GANG TO SOUTH OF DOWNHILL FARMHOUSE Barn and gin-gang. Late C18/early C19. Three builds. Roughly squared coursed limestone and sandstone rubble; pantile and Welsh slate roofs with stone gable coping. 2 low storeys. Older part with first floor loading bay. Later part has gin at right angles with internal beams and horse wheel complete, a rare survival.


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