Boldon Lodge
"Boldon Lodge" English Heritage listing 1025214. House, now two separate dwellings; set back left entrance bay raised to two storeys in C19. Brick, with Welsh slate roof. Main house : 2 storeys, 4 sash windows with glazing bars, second from left being a round-headed staircase window; curved one-storey porch in third bay from left has 2 curved windows and an open- pedimented Tuscan doorcase to the 8-panelled door with round fanlight; roof has gable stone coping, 2 end brick chimneys. Second house : 2 storeys, one bay with door and doorcase similar to those of the main house but with flat pilasters and decorated fanlight; roof, lower than that of the main house, has stone gable coping and one end brick chimney. A continuous stone band runs at ground floor level. "
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